Health Care Services, LLC
Providing a Workforce of Excellence to Health Care Facilities in Oregon

Founded in 1994 Health Care Services, LLC has become a leading provider of temporary nurse staffing in Oregon . HCS specializes in providing staff relief in long-term care and psychiatric facilities. With over 25 years in business, we have the contacts in the industry necessary to keep our CNAs and nurses busy.
From our offices in Portland, Salem and Eugene, we staff all of western Oregon; Portland to Medford, including the Oregon coast.
If you are an experienced nurse or CNA and prefer to make up your own work schedule, we want to meet with you. We offer excellent wages, travel reimbursements and a flexible work schedule. You can choose weekdays or weekends; day, evening or NOC shift or any combination. We can put together a work schedule that fits around school, family or any other obligation.
Message from Rolf Gearhart and Russell Johnson, Owners HCS
We like to brag that “you do not stay in the staffing business for 25 years if you are not taking care of your employees and customers.”
Over the last 25 years, we have become more that a temporary staffing company to our customers, we have become a vital part of their team that provides quality care to the residents and patients that convalesce in their facilities. We are committed to providing quality nursing personnel to our customers and are looking for nurses, CNAs and CMAs that have the same commitment.
If you are an RN, LPN, CNA or CMA and want to work for a company that strives to provide direct and personalized communication to each employee, set up an appointment to meet with our experienced office staff. Find out what they can do to further your career in the health care field.
Portland: (503) 977-0380
Salem: (503) 365-9684
Eugene: (541) 485-8599